Hi, my name is Helen. Nice to meet you hehe. I have a cat, the name is Jamie. He wants to introduce me to you guys. Let Jamie do the work! GO Jamie GO Jamie GO! http://www.voki.com/site/pickup?scid=14304191&chsm=eb206cdcb6c3ac090d81df9d8a3d0701 ^ Open this link to see Jamie And I have a recommended ELT blog for you. By the way, ELT is the abbreviation for English Language Teaching. It can help you to learn and know your English properly. Read it when you have nothing to do, it just take a couple of minutes. http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/ ^ Open this link to go to the blog I like Larry's blog because the materials he shared are simple to understand, not too long and with easy English. The design of his blog is simple and clean. Sometimes, he discuss about the matters that happening in the world. His last update was about "Resource lists of Hurricane Harvey and on how to supports its victims". He updated the news and give an instruction or a a...